Show Your Self A Man- An Observation Of Our Nation’s Most Current Trend & A Word Of Hope To All Women

Christopher Grate
6 min readFeb 5, 2017

This Is Not A Rant…

Nor is it a display of my political view. This is not a stand of opposition towards those in office, rather it is an observation of where we are as a country and a reflection of the disease that permeates the many hearts and minds of males in America today. This is a call to action to every male who reads this, and a plea to every woman who has given up on us. Simply put, many of us have forgotten the true meaning of what it is to be a man and Donald Trump is a prime example of that misunderstanding.

How so? Because a true man would never make any woman feel inadequate. If we had a real man as a leader, and more men in today’s society were leaders themselves, then no woman in this country would feel the need to fight for her rights.

Women’s March January 21st, 2017

There wouldn’t have been over 440,000 Americans to walk the streets of our nation’s capitol on that cold, wintery Saturday of January 21st, 2017 demanding that the voices of our women be heard and respected because that respect would have already been well established. A real man honors and values the roles of women in their lives and that honor is expressed in his deeds and actions to the point where again-no woman would ever feel inadequate or less than the gift from God that they are. The Women’s March was prime evidence of an on going trend in our nation’s society- simply put, men don’t know the definition of what it is to be a real man any more.

“It is not what he has, or even what he does which expresses the worth of a man, but what he is.” –Henri-Frédéric Amiel

To be a man is to be more than a muscle bearing, money earning, woman pleasing individual.

I’ve had the honor of personally knowing great men in my life and I’ve been given the undying hunger to learn from great men of the past through books I’ve read. Some of these great men were kings with vast riches that stretched from one side of a continent to another. Some of these men had lean, muscular bodies that even Zeus him self would be envious of, and some of these men had the natural ability to capture the heart of any woman that dare smiled at them-how ever- none of those attributes is what made them men.

A real man lives by honor and virtue, a real man values the friendships of other men and aiding in the cultivation of turning young boys into men. A real man respects and honors the women in his life, he makes them feel proud to be women and makes his wife proud to be led by a real man. A real man commits him self to completing not only the duties at his office, but also to accomplish the responsibilities that lay before him in his own home.

Winston Churchill and his wife Clementine

He doesn’t complain that his wife won’t do the dishes while he plops his ass on the couch with beer in hand whilst binge watching sports because he “deserves” it after a hard days work, and he certainly doesn’t yell at his children because they won’t do chores or can’t seem to get their grades up in school. No, a real man takes responsibility for his actions and his home. A real man would see that if his wife isn’t doing the duties that they’ve agreed to then he has failed as a husband and has failed to give her the undying love and respect that moves a woman honor her own house hold and marriage. A real man would spend time with his children to understand what they are going through in order to help them overcome the hurdles that they are desperately trying to jump over- it is the teacher’s job to teach, it is your job as a man to help your children learn.

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

― C.G. Jung

Am I perfect? Hell no, I’m far from it.

I commit actions every day that make me evaluate my self as a man, my daily journal is littered with reflections of my weaknesses and my thoughts on how I can improve my self as a true man my next go around. But where I lack in perfection, I make up for in commitment. I am committed to being a true man for my self, for my family, for my friends, and for my clients. I’m committed to being a true man for my nation, for my audience, for every boy in the future that lacks the leadership of a real man in their lives, and for my God. It is an honor to be a man and a responsibility that moving forward every single male in this world needs to respect. Being a man isn’t given, its earned and until we collectively understand that as males we will continue to have a rift between the genders in today’s society. It doesn’t matter your sexual orientation or your religious belief. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living, or what your ethnicity is, what matters is who you were born to be: a leader, a care taker, a cultivator of other men, and a defender of what’s been in trusted to you.

In Closing

To all the women reading this first and foremost to you all I apologize, collectively we have failed you as men and we have failed to honor you as women- for that I am deeply sorry. Second, you are amazing, wonderfully made, and beautiful in every sense of the word, don’t ever let the attitude of a boy that thinks he’s a man cause you to believe otherwise.

Boys disregard their problems, men fix them.

And third, I beg of you to be patient with us, yes it’s an excuse, but you must remember that our generation of men are the result of a horrific drug era that left millions of men absent from raising their sons and at the same time we are also the result of an economic time period that left millions of other men absent from raising their sons because they were possessed with chasing that almighty dollar by any means necessary. Change won’t come overnight, but have hope, because within the shadows there are many other men like my self who are committed to restoring the meaning of what it is to be a true man in this world.

And finally to my men, my brothers, my young boys who’s eyes have fallen upon this article, I challenge you to challenge your self as a man moving forward. Honor your wives, impart wisdom and hope into the minds of your children, surround your self with other men who understand the true meaning of what it is to be a man, and for god’s sake quit complaining that the boy who is currently in office will be the demise of our nation! Because truth be told it isn’t the president that molds our future, it’s the people and it starts with the way you decide to think, act, love, and carry your self as a man through out your journey in life.

So in the dying words of one the greatest king to ever rule a nation and one of the manliest individuals to ever walk this earth,

“Be strong, and show your self a man.” -King David, slayer of Goliath, ruler of Israel


Christopher Grate

Social Media Manager, Strategist, SEO Specialist, & Thought Leader

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Christopher Grate

Facebook Ads and Social Media Strategist. Digital Nomad, Artist & Glutton 4 Wisdom. I share marketing tips & life lessons to help you be a better entrepreneur.